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Featured Episodes

Episode 1

the Intro

Welcome to our podcast! Join us on our journey...

What's stress? Haven't heard of it.

As work, class, and all our commitments have started, the stress is slowly building. What are some ways we can work upon ourselves to decrease stress, increase productivity, and practice self-care? Mobeen shares his stress-less, institutional loving guide to success, as a resource to some and a reminder to many.

The Journey Towards Clutter-Free Living

Sometimes it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all the material possessions we have around us. We often lose sight of who we are by judging ourselves based on the number of things we own. Mobeen shares the epiphany he had upon turning twenty years old. He has embarked on a journey embracing the concept of Minimalism;  de-cluttering his surrounding in order to gain more headspace.

The YOUniverse, it's all about U!

How many times have you heard the phrase “…make a change in the world…”? You might have heard it in a speech; your friend might have used it; someone probably told you that you’ll make a change in the world; heck, you might have used the phrase yourself!

But have you ever wondered what that means?

theELORE Fitness Blog
If someone calls you a "twig", this is what you do. 

Growing up, Hussain was called “skinny chicken”, “skin n’ bones”, “twig”, people would ask “do you even eat bro” all the time. Through self-reflection, Hussain recognized that it was time to take control of his own faith and start a journey. A physical fitness, self-care journey. How did he begin? What did he do? How did he do it? 

It's either NOW or NEVER. You decide.

I don’t have time. I won’t ever be able to look like that. What will others think? I can’t do it. I don’t know what I’m doing. Have you ever said or thought about any of the statements above when it comes to working out? If you have, give this a read. Hussain's sure it'll help.

Started from the Bottom Now We...

You’ve made up your mind. You are ready to hit the gym. You are ready to commit, but where do you begin? Over the past couple blog posts I have preached about research and its significance, especially to individuals who have never stepped foot in a gym. Now we put words into actions.

Best Tip Ever: Don't Skip Leg Day

Leg day is one of the (if not the) most hated workout days in the gym. There are individuals who will try and complete everything within one day, or they will just skip it all together. PLEASE DO NOT SKIP LEG DAY. Your legs are pretty much half your body.

Sleep is ACTUALLY for the Strong.
Sleep is ACTUALLY for the Strong.

You know that feeling when your heart says "yes" but your mind says "no"?

Often we listen to our heart and try to persevere through whatever it is we are trying to accomplish. Unfortunately, in respect to physical health and fitness, sometimes listening to your heart is the worst thing you can do.

You know that feeling when your heart says "yes" but your mind says "no"?

Often we listen to our heart and try to persevere through whatever it is we are trying to accomplish. Unfortunately, in respect to physical health and fitness, sometimes listening to your heart is the worst thing you can do.

We all need LILPUMP.

One of the most important and most worked out muscles in our body is the bicep. Read to join Hussain as he explores the muscles main components and shares exercises which will help in getting those Arnold Schwarzenegger biceps. 

GETBIG Series: You have to TRI it.

Here's your new mantra: Tri(s) before fries. What do I mean by this? Well, let me tell you.

I got some feedback from a few people telling me that when it comes to building massive arms, biceps are not really important...

GETBIG Series: Welcome to the gym TRAP.

This blog is dedicated to a muscle which doesn't really receive enough attention as they should, this week we focus on the TRAPEZIUS or "TRAPS".

GETBIG Series: How to Get Boulder Shoulders

Next time you enter the gym, you can try the Hulk Hogan entrance and rip your top as you circle your hands an put them to your ears. Why would you want to do such a thing, you ask? Because you're physically fit.

Response Blogs
Ignorance is NOT Bliss – A Response to Episode 14 | What's Up with Tech?

One of the members of theELORE community, Rahim, wrote a response blog to Episode 14 | What's Up with Tech? Read Rahim's response to the ethical side of technology, including surveillance and big data. How does technology control us? How can we hold it accountable?

Never say "no" to opportunities, because that one "yes" can change your life. 

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