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In this episode of theELORE, Mobeen and Aftab have a conversation on the theme of hoarding versus organizing. Is hoarding really in a battle with organizing, or are these two actually working together to increase the clutter in our lives. Mobeen and Aftab share their experience with hoarding and share ways to identify and even overcome it. The concept of finding meaning and value in your material possessions carries on from the previous episode.


Join theELOREist’s on a journey as they share various resources and tips on how to live a meaningful life, allowing happiness to be a byproduct.

Inspiration for this Episode:
Article: What is Hoarding Disorder?

Article: Compulsive Decluttering: The Opposite of Hoarding
Blog: Organizing is Well-Planned Hoarding

Blog: 7 Tips to Control Clutter and Stop Hoarding

Report: Hoarding: The Basics|Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA

Story: Step Inside the Real World of Compulsive Hoarders


Shout-out: The Ball Park Tape by STRETCH

Shout-out: Toronto Poetry Slam Semifinals #2

Follow theELORE on twitter @theELORE and on Facebook @theELORE and/or message your thoughts, comments, and suggestions to!

Through love and positive energy!

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