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GETBIG Series: Short Guide in Getting Muscular Calves.

Welcome back to another edition of the GETBIG series. I sincerely hope you all had a fantastic week in the gym AND in your busy lives.

If you're a farmer, this guide is JUST for you. Getting stronger and good looking calves will only get you more milk in the future. No? Fine, you're right, it won't

The muscle of focus this week in the GETBIG series are the dreaded calves (the ones on your legs): dun dun dun daaaaa.

Now if you are genetically cursed like me with a long tendon which elevates your calf muscle higher on your leg, giving it the appearance of being long and small, don’t fret! THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE YOUR CALVES LOOK JACKED!

*DISCLAIMER* Be prepared for LOTS of pain…Far worse than any of the other muscles you work. This is not me being extra, I’m dead serious its painful BUT I promise you it works.

It only took me nearly 2 years to find this method… (Better late than never right)


The calf muscle sits on the back the lower leg and is comprised of two muscles: The Gastrocnemius and The Soleus. Both connect to the Achilles tendon. The longer your tendon is, the higher your calf will sit making it easier for you to sprint. The lower your tendon is, the lower your calf sits which gives it a better aesthetic appeal.

Picture of the Calf Muscle
Picture of the Calf Muscle

This blog will be quite short and to the point, as there is only one exercise I stick to now for calves which works for me!

In my opinion there really are only two ways to make the calves grow. HIGH VOLUME and HIGH FREQUENCY. The calves have more than 80% fast twitch (type II) muscle fibers. This means it is biologically engineered to endure high endurance activities which makes total sense, seeing how we use our calves daily. The calf muscle is pretty much the only muscle where you CAN WORK IT OUT EVERYDAY. We use our calf muscles so much, they can withstand an immense amount of training which leads to faster recovery.

My Routine – 100’s

For nearly two years, I researched everything on calf muscles. Heavy weight, different exercises, different rep ranges etc. Nothing worked. My calves remained at 14.75” inches in circumference. They are strong, but they don’t look big which is what I want.

That is until I came upon a routine which changed everything. The routine is called 100’s.

It is a simply routine, that requires no equipment, no weights, no nothing. You just need 10 minutes everyday and you can force your calves to grow.

Here is what you do:

  1. Go bare feet

  2. Pick a quiet place in the gym or in your house where you have 10 minutes with no distractions.

  3. Stand shoulder width apart

  4. Do a regular calf raise on a flat surface. HOLD AT THE TOP OF THE RAISE FOR 2 SECONDS.

  5. SLOWLY go back to the floor (2 seconds)

  6. Do not rest on the floor, immediately raise back up.

Repeat for 100 repetitions DAILY. The keyword is DAILY. You MUST do this everyday for ONE MONTH.

If you cannot reach 100 reps, max out your reps till you cannot do anymore. The next day, try and do 5 more reps and keep adding more and more daily till you get to 100. Soon enough you will build up to 100 reps.


Now I know some of you will say what if I am too sore the next day. Here is one way to limit the soreness. At the end of your 100’s workout, find the edge of a stair or any edge for that matter and do the following:

  1. Place your toes at the top of the edge

  2. Place your fingers along a wall or grab something to support you

  3. Lower your leg till your heel is near the floor whilst keeping your toes on the edge the whole time

  4. Hold this position for 10 seconds. (Enjoy the killer stretch)

This will help with the muscle soreness the next day as you are releasing as much of the built-up acid out of the muscle. If you are still sore, put ice on your calves, take a Tylenol, massage your calf, stretch it out, do whatever it takes BUT YOU MUST DO THE ROUTINE AGAIN DAILY. The soreness you feel is just lactic acid. It does not mean the muscle is damaged. This is a common misconception. Within one night your calf muscle will already have healed the damaged muscle fibres. The calf is legit DURABLE.

If you follow the above guidelines I promise you will see growth in your calves. Its worked for me and so many others who have reviewed the routine!

That’s it for this week, stay tuned for the next post!

Till then my friends,


@huuusss_p @TheElore

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