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GETBIG Series: "Put your BACK into it," said Ice Cube

...and we back, and we back, na na na

It's been sometime since the last blog post from the GETBIG Series, but we're back this week!

Hope you all (Canadian's and Canada enthusiasts) had a great Canada Day AND productive week(s) at the gym. Special thank you to the individuals who gave me great feedback on the shoulder exercises I recommended. Glad you liked em! #noflappybirdsquad

Without further adieu let’s jump into the next muscle of the GETBIG Series: THE BACK. If you're curious to know how I'm doing, just know that I'm spine.


The back contains some of the bodies largest and most important muscles. From supporting your spine, to keeping correct posture, to helping you with lifting, your back should be one of, if not the strongest muscle groups in your body. The body is comprised of the lats, traps, spinal erectors, rhomboids and more. I like to simplify this science terminology into plain English (Upper back, Mid back, Lower back).

Jones, Oliver. ”The Superficial Back Muscles”. Teach Me Anatomy. December 22, 2017.

What you want to achieve when it comes to a solid back figure is that V shape. A small waist with a broad back is the most appealing and aesthetic look in the fitness industry. Unfortunately, that has been lost on many bodybuilders and gym goers as a bulky and burly figure is what is usually achieved. The classic V style look in my opinion should be the goal of every bodybuilder, instead of a bloated and puffy look.

I’ve achieved a V shape back. It’s not fully developed to the point where I want it to be at, but it is coming along.

Here are my favourite back exercises I highly recommend:

Upper Back

Face Pulls – This is a great compound movement which targets the rear delts (highly ignored), traps and upper back. Because this is a compound movement, you can lift heavier on this exercise but remember to have good form. Don’t sacrifice form for weight, it will not get you anywhere.

Colucci, Chris. “Tip: For Stronger Traps, do THIS instead of Shrugs”.T Nation. August 4th, 2016.

Make sure you go slow and controlled on this movement. Squeeze your back together for a second when the rope is literally right in your face (hence why its called the face pull…….) and slowly go back to the starting position. Fighting against the cable returning to its neutral position will add some great tension to your upper back region.

Middle Back

Seated Cable Row – Any movement that contains a “rowing” motion like the row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, will work your middle back as that is where much of your power will originate from.

Starting Position

Rogers, Paul. “How to Do the Seated Cable Row Exercise”. Verywellfit & Medical RF. June 27, 2018

Finished Position

Rogers, Paul. “How to Do the Seated Cable Row Exercise”. Verywellfit & Medical RF. June 27, 2018.

I see many people at the gym get this exercise wrong. They ego lift and start swinging like George of the Jungle. Don’t be GEORGE. (No offense if your name is George and are reading this….). The most important part of this exercise is the squeeze in the finished position and the slow eccentric return to the starting. The part where many people get this wrong is when they pull but do not squeeze or return to the starting position too fast.

Again, it is all about experimenting and seeing what works for you.

Lower Back

Deadlift – This is easily the best lower back exercise ever. The deadlift is a complete compound mass building exercise which packs on a lot of mass if combined with the proper nutrition. However, this is a pretty technical exercise which require complete focus and sound knowledge on form. Again, like many exercises people often get this wrong simply by lifting too heavy.

Galina. “Deadlifting for Climbing”. Crux Crush and Jan 28, 2016

As you can see above there are several steps and small cues which you should learn when performing this exercise.

  1. Shin directly over the bar


  3. Knees act as a target. Lift the weight to your knees or just above, then straighten your back out and squeeze at the top.

  4. Upon returning to the starting position, lower the weight till the bar is in line with your knees (whilst keeping legs straight) then you can bend them and return the weight to the floor. This is where your hamstrings will get a killer workout.

*It is imperative that your back is neutral throughout the ENTIRE workout. You can seriously hurt yourself if it is in a compromised position. Lastly, do NOT bounce the weight back up off the floor. You are using momentum to help and that is not the correct way to do it.

Done properly this exercise will strengthen your lower back which well help you in other compound lifts such as the squat and barbell row.

To conclude...

The back is an area in which you can implement many exercises to help develop and strengthen it. Each region can be targeted with a variety of exercises. I have left out some other great exercises such as

  1. Barbell pull down

  2. Barbell row

  3. One arm dumbbell row

  4. Reverse Fly’s

And more…

The reason being is that everyone prefers certain exercises over the other. The ones I listed are my favourite exercises which work for me. I suggest trying them if you have not done so and see how they work for you. The suggestions I made are great exercises as well which you can implement into your program. Again, it is all about experimenting and seeing what works for you.

I look forward to hearing your feedback on this! Keep the questions and criticisms coming, I LOVE IT!

Enjoy the rest of your week!


Follow @huusss_p and @TheELORE on Instagram!

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